Share of Profit of a Partner from a Firm [Section 10(2A)]

Exempted Incomes-Section 10(2A)

According to Section 10(2A), any share of profit received by a partner from a firm is exempt from tax. However, this exemption is subject to certain conditions and limitations.

Firstly, the exemption is only applicable if the firm is engaged in a business or profession. If the firm is not involved in any business activity, the partner’s share of profit will not be eligible for the exemption.

Secondly, the exemption is limited to the amount of share of profit that is included in the partner’s total income. If the partner’s share of profit exceeds the total income, the excess amount will not be eligible for the exemption.

Additionally, the exemption is not available if the partner’s share of profit is received in the form of interest, salary, bonus, commission, or any other remuneration. The exemption only applies to the share of profit received as a partner.

It is important to note that the exemption under Section 10(2A) is not automatic. The partner needs to fulfill certain conditions to avail of the exemption. These conditions include:

  • The partner’s share of profit should be determined in accordance with the partnership deed or agreement.
  • The partner should be an individual or a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF). The exemption is not available to companies, firms, or any other type of entity.
  • The partner should be a resident of India. Non-resident partners are not eligible for the exemption.

Once the partner fulfills these conditions, they can claim the exemption while filing their income tax return. The share of profit exempted under Section 10(2A) should be mentioned separately in the return.

See also  Income of certain Funds of National Importance [Section 10(23C)]

Here are some examples of situations where the exemption under Section 10(2A) will be available:

  • A partner in a trading firm receives his/her share of profit from the firm.
  • A partner in a manufacturing firm receives his/her share of profit from the firm.
  • A partner in a professional firm, such as a law firm or a chartered accountancy firm, receives his/her share of profit from the firm.

It is important to note that the exemption under Section 10(2A) is not available to the following:

  • Salaried partners: A partner who receives a salary from the firm is not entitled to the exemption under Section 10(2A) on his/her salary income.
  • Interest on capital: A partner who receives interest on his/her capital investment in the firm is not entitled to the exemption under Section 10(2A) on his/her interest income.

Commission: A partner who receives commission from the firm is not entitled to the exemption under Section 10(2A) on his/her commission income.

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