When it comes to dealing with various processes and procedures, understanding the time limits, forms, and fees involved is crucial. Whether you’re applying for a visa, filing a legal case, or submitting an application, having a clear understanding of these factors can save you time, money, and unnecessary stress.
Timelines for Filing Appeal to High Court
SI.No. | Stages | No. of days | Total Time |
1 | Receipt of ITAT order in the office of CIT | 0 day | 0 day |
2 | Entry in relevant register in the office of CIT & linking with old appeal folder of the case from where appeal to ITAT was authorised | 1 day | 1 day |
3 | Sending the order to Assessing Officer for necessary action along with a copy to Range head | 2 days | 3 days |
4 | Submission of scrutiny report in prescribed proforma by Assessing Officer to Range head after giving appeal effect*. | 30 days | 33 days |
5 | Submission of scrutiny Report by Range head to CIT | 15 days | 48 days |
6 | Decision making by the CIT including consultation with the Standing counsel, if needed & submission to CCIT | 20 days | 68 days |
7 | Decision of the CCIT on recommendations of CIT | 7 days | 75 days |
8 | Sending appeal folder to the standing counsel for drafting appeal memo by CIT | 2 days | 77 days |
9 | Drafting of Appeal memorandum by the counsel | 20 days | 97 days |
10 | Obtaining Appeal Memorandum from Counsel, Vetting, preparation of sets with annexures in the o/o CIT and sending to the standing counsel for filing | l5days | 112 days |
11 | Actual filing in the HC registry | 3 days | 115 days |
12 | Intimation of Diary/ Lodging No to the 0/0 CIT/ CIT(J) / HC cell | 3 days | 118 days |